Avg Memory Usage for queries over last 14 days
Total Queries over last 14 days by users
Avg Queries Duration over last 14 days (AVG(duration in seconds) / day)
Running Queries over last 14 days (query / day)
Contains information about executed queries: start time, duration of processing, error messages
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | aec9deae-3018-47e2-861d-ddda0188f951 | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | 67fb5ebd-45f7-4f82-991f-7f0f117eefe1 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | 90fc77d7-3d2d-4abf-b8ac-93abb8128d1a | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 1a661290-64d5-4b6e-83e7-c682cb3d89e5 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 3fe9ea78-5d57-4f81-8e73-b4855e9d40c6 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 276a0958-a883-4e46-a7f2-8b71c6669d4a | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | 326daed1-2f7b-40a5-bc1e-68f2b0d79622 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | 604a25f9-4d7d-4a82-84e0-a7d12971b767 | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | c1beec6d-a60c-4b7e-b03a-80a2be2802fd | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | 7b2fc2d3-c50d-463a-b3b6-0c474e6231ed | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 336496f6-bdae-48c4-b26b-818801bc0f11 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | 8f08a3d3-38db-4ded-ae24-0c67f5322561 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | 26c17495-fa8c-4482-913f-033500af999e | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 8ecd30f9-6c45-4e4f-b341-caf3a177dcd0 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | 10f5ac65-9457-4f4a-a902-17aca24f89ab | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | b7135425-85ad-4a29-83e0-9f92199f9e86 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | 44e0a607-244f-4721-80a8-a98b08fb175f | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | ee01c45a-fbe8-4b3d-98b7-908af56e96a8 | a few seconds | 9.02 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 26b87a3f-b149-41ee-bfb8-51c6209220ae | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | 03e0aef7-5226-42e7-9e7c-d17fc5e575dd | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 28a1af3a-09ec-4768-b482-1cca07974a71 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 8d7b4b54-f849-4df8-b300-3a4c6c176aec | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | 86727af0-c367-44dc-a6ed-5e59a805935d | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | d2fac3dd-afbf-41ad-b0c8-7955eed94deb | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | 2ea9d20d-fc94-4cc8-a73f-ffabe1f37108 | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
monitoring | INSERT INTO system.monitoring_events FORMAT JSONEachRow | bec82b35-433a-46bb-86e5-61df22b0c1ea | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO system.monitoring_events (kind, actor, data, extra, event_time, event_date) FORMAT JSONE... | 4f1a75be-5206-41f8-8dfa-3bcd167900b1 | a few seconds | 4.29 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | 534e5cf3-1d0a-4e76-ac67-5cbe63958ad4 | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | b8ff413f-6256-4a63-a510-089d34ac2a7d | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | f1aa002f-663a-4165-a210-46aea0c38d2d | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 1e7f62af-46b4-4845-8e5a-c194e26aebe5 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 58c0b302-da4b-4ab9-8629-feb46b72a389 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | ceea40ea-f435-4055-a396-30a98c3116d2 | a few seconds | 30.05 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.88 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | efdcdfe2-b95e-48b2-a6df-b3d84f5a9683 | a few seconds | 30.06 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.88 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | 040a039a-0955-44c2-8477-18ab18a588c6 | a few seconds | 30.04 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.88 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT formatReadableTimeDelta(uptime()) as uptime, hostName() as hostName, version() as v... | c1827178-9920-4aee-8dab-143861c67b14 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.tables WHERE lower(database) NOT IN ('system', 'information_sch... | 56a6ab09-98bf-4e61-9b17-651992b529e3 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.distributed_ddl_queue WHERE status != 'Finished' FORMAT JSONEac... | 1631744a-494a-4a1e-b9eb-4d32c026fcc0 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.backup_log WHERE status = 'BACKUP_CREATED' FORMAT JSONEachRow | 90ac3c7d-ccba-45ab-abe3-7f533b877e13 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.merges WHERE 1 = 1 FORMAT JSONEachRow | a3599650-f1da-4b8e-b5c3-92a265bf7ee6 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.merges WHERE 1 = 1 FORMAT JSONEachRow | 77011a05-a69e-4234-8827-b99fcb81c64f | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.processes WHERE is_cancelled = 0 AND query NOT LIKE '%/* ... */... | 5cc6b4a8-cb1b-418a-b26e-b4e9b7a9382e | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.disks FORMAT JSONEachRow | f9649987-e47e-440e-9a69-74791603b464 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT DISTINCT cluster, count(replica_num) AS replica_count FROM system.clusters GROUP BY... | 59d0fe96-ae7b-439c-951a-a15e11de3de0 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT formatReadableTimeDelta(uptime()) as uptime, hostName() as hostName, version() as v... | 926ee26c-1657-4273-991c-d2ab43bc556a | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT countDistinct(database || table) as `count()` FROM system.parts FORMAT JSONEachRow | 42be17b7-f9f6-4c57-b9ba-785855959fb7 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.processes WHERE is_cancelled = 0 AND query NOT LIKE '%/* ... */... | 0c17af5e-20f1-4167-8f77-6c2002e9bbdf | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replicas FORMAT JSONEachRow | 72cdc391-b768-4f47-a701-30456399e494 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue FORMAT JSONEachRow | 03dbdc83-084b-4a2f-90e7-a72289d56c89 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replicas WHERE is_readonly = 1 FORMAT JSONEachRow | b1b44312-1b83-4c3e-bcdf-601516b42ee7 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | INSERT INTO system.monitoring_events FORMAT JSONEachRow | 2a4a9e22-2123-48b0-a3f7-5221957d5b68 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO system.monitoring_events (kind, actor, data, extra, event_time, event_date) FORMAT JSONE... | 8bde9ad3-8034-4b04-8407-bee692df2807 | a few seconds | 4.29 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 4c26063c-971d-44be-8ff2-873777bbd370 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 7b98d7b2-6c4e-4862-b404-dc495ff2871c | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | fb8a4230-4d83-4b3e-80a8-ce97f95e0a86 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | f5d61506-aaa1-4b51-b2bc-d2b717ac053b | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | 7e0b4454-40ed-4e33-8ac5-11a4551d8ea0 | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT timezone() as tz FORMAT JSONEachRow | 082ce43a-6299-4b9a-8fc9-b80dc3d42870 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | INSERT INTO system.monitoring_events FORMAT JSONEachRow | d9fdaee8-71f0-412c-91ba-6df17a9d7c1d | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO system.monitoring_events (kind, actor, data, extra, event_time, event_date) FORMAT JSONE... | 15a3dc84-4b6d-4051-b6d1-0678fa4be790 | a few seconds | 4.29 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | 937f9ae0-fc8c-4ff3-a2d1-895618371b61 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | b0012633-e8bd-44e1-8831-17b430f6f1b7 | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 4798319a-d22a-4998-900f-29e9205e2710 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 7b2c391a-f8fb-4437-88bd-5aa7e78f66de | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | c6c70bc3-e4cf-4f9e-bc3b-d0d1856f07bd | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | d58d1f1d-4d8c-487a-816e-6f3bbad9360d | a few seconds | 20.68 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.87 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | fecec6da-f868-495c-b419-3b50c8ef57eb | a few seconds | 20.74 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.87 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | 528f2d69-e543-4f96-b3e8-1c336b4589d1 | a few seconds | 20.69 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.87 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT DISTINCT cluster, count(replica_num) AS replica_count FROM system.clusters GROUP BY... | 7ce1fa7a-fe98-4d27-960e-18479d640024 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.disks FORMAT JSONEachRow | 20ed2b0f-0d6f-4539-9b02-7cd81865e423 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 3.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replicas FORMAT JSONEachRow | 739468b2-afc3-46cb-b2bd-bd0067b9b1a8 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT formatReadableTimeDelta(uptime()) as uptime, hostName() as hostName, version() as v... | 0fba6e0a-4f4a-450e-8a5d-5e56055117fe | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.processes WHERE is_cancelled = 0 AND query NOT LIKE '%/* ... */... | 1e6cac9f-ef29-4a19-b8a5-0fc335c05407 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT formatReadableTimeDelta(uptime()) as uptime, hostName() as hostName, version() as v... | 19c20029-96ba-462b-a4af-82b3eca06b22 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.merges WHERE 1 = 1 FORMAT JSONEachRow | 026e7d93-20e2-4c2b-82b8-865ac402b7a5 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT countDistinct(database || table) as `count()` FROM system.parts FORMAT JSONEachRow | 46803c83-450a-4f0e-96af-a7136725ebf3 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 912.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.tables WHERE lower(database) NOT IN ('system', 'information_sch... | f48c6d76-a8f7-42c9-857f-e3ef95852604 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 43.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.processes WHERE is_cancelled = 0 AND query NOT LIKE '%/* ... */... | 5c37b98a-5c15-4e1b-a074-a18fbfe2a5e0 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 11.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.backup_log WHERE status = 'BACKUP_CREATED' FORMAT JSONEachRow | f0371b1a-ed38-485d-9522-5589ff281c3c | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 10.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replication_queue FORMAT JSONEachRow | 71f8a07e-2ce7-44e8-a497-bf5f18c85651 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.replicas WHERE is_readonly = 1 FORMAT JSONEachRow | c403a6be-b074-45ad-8e29-d85375c15af4 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.distributed_ddl_queue WHERE status != 'Finished' FORMAT JSONEac... | 4a84a628-1d79-4628-b750-31fbc04a93b6 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | /* ... */ SELECT COUNT() FROM system.merges WHERE 1 = 1 FORMAT JSONEachRow | 0429105a-3f1a-47e1-9945-29025c3ace25 | a few seconds | 3.00 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | 645cd003-b2f8-43aa-968f-a5aa0a5f4fc6 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | 3be3a339-1dea-448f-8e5f-f27ff7bc0b6a | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | b5a715f9-15ef-46bd-98f9-53c0459718d2 | a few seconds | 9.02 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | ac6433af-f90f-46ab-be84-38cd3f17baa6 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | d43d491e-9340-4687-af34-97054aace712 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | d4d64671-9b0b-4a8d-95b5-13ac360d9ead | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | cc588279-efe9-47a1-afbf-7fe63629587f | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | a1338da0-57d2-43db-946b-ff286f9414c7 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | 0628d539-5bff-4a99-8e4b-43482077cc4b | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | cddba38e-768b-43c4-8391-2a03b667c50e | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) VALUES | ea04c9d2-29df-4e1f-8976-afdc6f99bfa4 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.power_usage (event_ts, watts) FORMAT Values | ed576ba6-bc15-4953-8514-6c79c8b9512c | a few seconds | 4.23 MiB | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
homelab | SELECT COUNT() FROM duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors | 76f93f22-85dd-4fd6-83a0-1ff0b90ca589 | a few seconds | 1.26 KiB | in 7 hours | 1.00 | 0.00 | 1.00 | Select | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
homelab | INSERT INTO homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) VALUES | ad60c9fa-1c17-4637-8e06-fb4e64e309e8 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Insert | QueryFinish | ClickHouse client |
INSERT INTO duyet_analytics.homelab_ubuntu_sensors (raw_data) FORMAT Native | 7ae66cb5-a13a-46c1-8d4a-68d23421aa65 | a few seconds | 0.00 B | in 7 hours | 0.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | AsyncInsertFlush | QueryFinish | ||
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | dd0d8beb-2528-4449-a40f-c894cde03652 | a few seconds | 28.10 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.87 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish | |
monitoring | SELECT type, query_id, query_kind, query_cache_usage, query_duration_ms AS duration_ms, query_durati... | 5586134b-ddb5-4903-8afa-6a5c73182fda | a few seconds | 28.10 MiB | in 7 hours | 6.87 million | 0.00 | 2.00 | Select | QueryFinish |
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