remote | UInt8 | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 468.18 thousand | 0 | CODEC(ZSTD(1)) | Remote exception (i.e. received during one of the distributed queries). | |
error | LowCardinality(String) | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 468.18 thousand | 0 | CODEC(ZSTD(1)) | Error name. | |
hostname | LowCardinality(String) | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 468.18 thousand | 0 | CODEC(ZSTD(1)) | Hostname of the server executing the query. | |
code | Int32 | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 468.18 thousand | 0 | CODEC(ZSTD(1)) | Error code. | |
event_time | DateTime | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 468.18 thousand | 0 | CODEC(Delta(4), ZSTD(1)) | Event time. | |
value | UInt64 | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 468.18 thousand | 0 | CODEC(ZSTD(3)) | Number of errors happened in time interval. | |
event_date | Date | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 468.18 thousand | 0 | CODEC(Delta(2), ZSTD(1)) | Event date. |